Thursday, August 18, 2011

How I keep winning Comedy Zone tickets


The last time I was at the Lake Norman Comedy Zone, I filled out a comment card, which apparently won me some free tickets to the Paul Hooper show.

I invited my friends Frank and Alisa, along with my friend Tammy, to enjoy the show. We enjoyed a great dinner downstairs at the Galway Hooker (mmmm: calamari!) and then headed upstairs to enjoy the show.

Alysia Wood was the opening act and she was hilarious. Sometimes, it was like she was in my head!

Paul Hooper, a Charlotte native, was the main act. He tells you from the very beginning that he is an angry little dude and he is-but it is hilarious. I think Alisa put it best when she said, “There were things that made you so uncomfortable, you felt like you shouldn’t laugh, but you did because it was hilarious.”

All in all, it was a great evening. And guess what? I found out yesterday that I won tickets AGAIN to the N.C. Music Factory Comedy Zone uptown, so I will be going with some friends to check out Tammy Piscatelli. Alisa won some tickets for Sept. 1, so I will be back that week and I am also going to see Flavor Flav on August 27, so I think the Comedy Zone is becoming my Cheers.

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